George Francis Train’s Banquet, report of 1860 on the opening of the Birkenhead tramway




Reprint, softback, 118pp

Title page: Report of the Banquet given by George Francis Train Esq., of Boston US to inaugurate the opening of the first street railway in Europe at Birkenhead, August 30, 1860 with opinions of the press on the subject of street railways. Description of the line, the cars, the opening, invitation cards to the déjeuner, the guests, the déjeuner and speeches. “Mr Train himself presided at the table in the centre of the room, and over the chair was placed a beautiful arrangement of banners … He had invited all the crowned heads of Europe with the exception of the King of Naples, and, as he believed Garibaldi was by that time in the Palace, he had invited him instead. – (Cheers, and laughter) …” There follow letters from various noblemen, gentlemen, bankers, &c. and finishes with opinions of the press


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Weight 160 g


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